Saturday, March 8, 2014

My PS+ Games, And Why It's Worth The Price

I'll start by saying that I've only had Playstation Plus (PS+) active on my Playstation Network account since April 11th, 2013, so for a little less than a year now. The only reason I originally got the subscription was because it came free for a year with the new PS3 I had bought at the time, so I figured why not use it up.

Prior to this, I always thought pretty much any paid subscription for things like this was unnecessary, why pay 50 bucks a year for a few mediocre games when I could just go buy them? I WAS SO WRONG.

I was sifting through all the free games I got this year the other day (almost all of which I didn't own prior), and didn't believe how many are now some of my favorites to play. Even those like Galaga Legions are super fun when you want a more relaxed gaming experience, and you get some really good discounts even on stuff that isn't free.

So far I have a total of 56 free games as of March 8th, 2014; here's the list I amassed this past year alone:


Free Games:
-Tomb Raider
-Bioshock Infinite
-Metro: Last Night
-Payday 2
-Remember Me
-Infamous 2
-Littlebigplanet 2
-Littlebigplanet: Karting
-Sleeping Dogs
-Demons Souls
-Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One
-Battlefield 3
-Saints Row: The Third
-DmC {Devil May Cry}
-Grid 2
-Borderlands 2
-Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen
-Poker Night 2
-Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
-The Walking Dead {Series 1}
-Ibb & Obb
-Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
-Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
-Runner 2
-Hitman: Absolution
-Shadow Of Colossus
-Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons
-Binary Domain
-Hotline Miami
-Galaga Legions DX
-Capcom: Arcade Cabinet
-Jet Set Radio
-Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
-XCOM: Enemy Unknown
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution
-Anomaly Warzone Earth
-Knytt Underground
-The Cave
-Labyrinth Legends
-Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
-Megaman 9
-Megaman 10
-Zombie Tycoon II
-Joe Danger 2: The Movie

Discounts On Games:
-Rain - $2.79
-Thomas Was Alone (Coming Free This Month) - $2.79


Free Games:
-Don't Starve
-Dead Nation

Seriously, crazy right? Bioshock Infinite was worth the price of the entire years subscription alone (literally).  
I know for those of you like me that are collectors out there, the digital version of a game will never compare to owning a hard copy of the real thing, but PS+ is really a great way to try out tons of games throughout the year so you never get bored with being stuck playing only what you own, and allows the price to drop on some of the pricier games so you can still enjoy collecting them down the road.

Honestly, if you don't have PS+ by now, you should really think about trying it out! It'll be the greatest investment in the history of your game life.


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