I know I know, I talk about the same stuff way too much haha, but ever since I've started following gaming pages on my Facebook, I've been learning a ton of new information about games and consoles and such, one of those topics being about the PS+ games that come out each month!
Though its always nice to be surprised when you check the PSN store and see an awesome new game on plus listed for free, having a little heads up can be helpful for upcoming free titles so you know not to go out and pick them up anytime soon :) (I'm looking at you Thomas Was Alone.)
Of the free titles released for Playstation Plus members each month, theres usually an assortment between PS3, PS4, and PS Vita games, with Vita usuuually getting the most free games and PS4 (as it seems so far) only getting one. This month is no exception, with 2 free games for PS3, 1 game for PS4, and 3 games for Vita. I'm not sure if this is a standard system each month or if it changes here and there, but its safe to say that thats pretty much the average number of releases you can except for each platform a month.
Now here we go, the free games for the month of April on each platform:
Batman: Arkham City
Castle Of Illusion (Starring Mickey Mouse)
Mercenary Kings
PS Vita:
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD
Stealth Inc: A Clone In The Dark
Velocity Ultra
The obvious stand-out title of the bunch as you can tell is of course, BATMAN! Unlike the other billion gamers in the world, I've never actually played Batman: Arkham City as I'm really not a big fan of the whole superhero/Batman franchise, however I'm pretty excited to try out the game regardless because of the insane rave I've heard about the entire game series since it first came out.
I'm also really excited about Castle of Illusion despite the average reviews, but as for the rest of the games, I've never actually heard of them haha! Probably because I don't own a Vita so that portion of PS+ has never applied to me, and any free PS4 game at this point sounds a-okay in my book. At least its something to play right?
Overall I'm quite excited about this month for my plus membership, and it will even be my first time renewing it since my one year subscription ends the 22nd, so its nice to see my moneys pretty much being refunded with this release alone haha!
What are your thoughts on this months free games?
Later dudes ^_^
Thanks to IGN's article here for the list of games!
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