Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Minecraft Quick Tips | X-Ray Vision Glitch

I knooooow, I'm so bad at keeping my word when it comes to this blog. I always say I'll post on it more then disappear for weeks on end SO I won't jinx myself and say anything else, but I have another video for you guys today! This one is a bit more informative than usual, being a Minecraft tutorial. I've recently became absolutely obsessed with Minecraft on the PS4, and with how easy it is to share videos and screenshots on there, its a breeze to make short videos like this for my Youtube and build content with the touch of a button.

This tutorial is showing you how to achieve the popular X-Ray Vision glitch in what I think is the easiest way, and its helpful in helping you with mining related stuff as well as discovering strongholds and dungeons in the game.

 Comment below if you're a huge Minecraft fan as well, and what system to prefer to play it on!

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