Tuesday, June 3, 2014

ChitChat: Catching Up On The Walking Dead

Way back when The Walking Dead was still relatively new, I gave the first season of the series a go on Netflix one afternoon seeing as I had heard a ton about it, and it was only a couple of episodes long. I mean, I love zombies, and suspenful horror type shows are my favorite to watch when it comes to television, so I figured it would be my cup of tea... and it totally was. I loved it so much that I begged my boyfriend to watch it with me and the next hangout we watched the season and got totally hooked.

Now I'm one of those people that waits for a season to end before I actually begin watching it: I really can't stand having to wait an entire week between episodes, and having to freak out if I'm stuck working on a night one airs, so I try my best to just avoid all spoilers throughout the season and start it up once it gets on Netflix, which is what we did when season 2 came out. Season 2 was absolutely awesome for us and really began defining The Walking Dead for what it would become... a show thats totally unpredictable and suspenseful as hell from episode to episode, which is the reason why its insanely addicting to watch. Most shows you can always tell how each episode will end and how the season will wrap up once everything is said and done (cough Supernatural cough), but The Walking Dead will literally have some random death or event happen midway through the third episode out of nowhere that you literally can do nothing more than drop your jaw in awe of what just occurred. Needless to say... this happened a lot in season 2.

After the death of my favorite character however, I really gave up watching The Walking Dead for a suuuper long time. Not only that, but my boyfriend got uninterested in it and I really just didn't have the time to start it up on Netflix between work and hanging out with him. A few weeks ago I got bored and gave it a shot though and honestly, this show never ceases to amaze me. I got through all of season 3 in 2 nights and it was incredible once again. It did take a few episodes to get going and get a real story line rolling but once it did it was hard to tear away from. I definitely blame how addictive it is for getting me on a horrible sleep schedule again this summer... hello 4 o'clock bedtimes again.

Season 3 seemed to really build on everything I loved about the first 2 seasons but made them better. It added a bit more variety into location and storylines, while still staying true and feeling authentic to its previous seasons. It also added in a true antagonist and line of enemies apart from the zombies, leaving them off to the side in this season. You can tell how experienced their personalities have become in dealing with the dead this time around, and so 10 seasons of killing a bunch of zombies would really get old without this well needed conflict that has risen. Its safe to say that The Walking Dead has become much more than a cliche show about killing zombies and defeating monsters... its really rounded itself to become a true suspenseful horror series, that will only continue to grow as time goes on.

Maybe this year I'll catch up on season 4 in time to actually watch season 5 as it airs on tv... oh how long a week will seem though.

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